
14 Week Fast Forward Course

The easy way to become the go-to professional in your community & have customers love you for it

How much time and energy is lost in the on-going pursuit of more? Truth: The most common reason businesses fail to grow is NOT that they aren’t adding enough new customers; it’s that they aren’t keeping the customers they’ve got. How can you deliver value over and over again to the same people? What would happen to your business if you kept every client you’d ever earned? Worse, how much have we lost by not keeping them? Are you ready to change this right now? This is the course that will change your business and career for the better with less effort and more fun! After completing this course you will discover what has to happen so your clients consistently say, “I’d have to be crazy to do business with someone else!”

In this course, you will discover:

  • What your customers want and more importantly need from your relationship
  • How to turn the past client into the FOREVER Client
  • How to Find Out What They Want then deliver it
  • Secrets to have the customer calling you over and over again
  • The science of strategic GIFTING
  • Ways to increase your confidence, clarify your message, and book yourself solid
  • How to create more peaks with fewer valleys to turn any sale into lifelong loyalty
  • Gain clarity on what you stand for and craft ways to deliver it so you never lose a customer again

This course includes:

  • 14 Weeks of Step by Step Strategies to Become the REFERRED (1-hour per week)
  • BONUS #1: Tracking to Gamify Your Experience and Measure Your Progress
  • ​BONUS #2: Email Access To Dru In-Between Sessions
  • ​BONUS #3: Debbie De Grote’s Complete Real Estate Script Book

Meet your coach: Dru Lee

  • Dru has been a professional coach for over ten years
  • He has over 13,000 hours of coaching and training agents completed and has conducted over 20,000 coaching calls
  • Dru has coached Rainmakers across the United States and Canada with gross commission incomes (GCI) averaging between one and five million and 200-700+ closed transactions.
  • In fact, the coaching clients that he worked with in 2020 had a combined annual sales volume of over a billion dollars. Dru has been a licensed Real Estate agent since 2003 and has been an active Real Estate investor since 2015

(714) 625-5226

3555 Harbor Gateway South Ste A
Costa Mesa, CA 92626

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